Skillbridge Placement Service
Early Riser Stays LLC
Apply now
Washington, DC
Minimum rank
No requirement
Min. Length
3 months
Entry level

Early Riser Stays LLC has created a large and growing network of business partners from around the nation. We’ve partnered with those businesses, along with the DoD Skillbridge Program to place you in a meaningful internship with companies that are not currently listed through DoD Skillbridge.

How does it work?

We will interview each prospective interns in order to place them with a trusted company that can train and develop each servicemember for placement into a full-time position post-internship. The opportunities will vary based on the interest and skillset of the participant and the current demand of local hosting companies. Opportunities include, but are not limited to - Asphalt Plant Managment, Marketing, IT Development, Content Creation/editing, etc. The interview and placement process is 100% free for the servicemember. Let us help place you in your dream post-service opportunity!

Summary Description: Early Riser Stays LLC is partnering with companies nation-wide to host DoD Skillbridge participants and provide them with immersive on the job training. During the duration of the internship, Early Riser Stays will facilitate weekly mentorship, in coordination with the participant's host company, to ensure our participants are progressing towards meaningful employment and obtaining critical career skills outlined in our training summary.

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